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Outdoor Living in Alexandria

Rachel’s client, located in the lovely Fort Hunt neighborhood of Alexandria, was looking for Outdoor Living in Alexandria that would be “open, but have a roof” so that it could be enjoyed on rainy days. She also wanted it to be an inviting space for backyard get-togethers and be low-maintenance, utilizing materials that don’t require a great deal of upkeep.

The Challenge

The challenge in designing this porch was working within the property’s setback lines (for more information about setbacks, see Rachel’s blog on property plats here: https://foster-test-stage.stage4.estlandhosting.com/2022/11/07/lets-talk-plats/
For reference, the setback line is represented on the plan below by the dashed gray line. In order not to encroach into the setbacks, it was necessary to get creative and design this porch in a half-hexagonal shape. The angle works right along the setback and provides almost 200 square feet of covered porch area. Designing the columns to “wrap” at the front two corners took careful thought and planning in addition to the column and interior moulding details that give this porch such a classic look. Foster Remodeling Solutions also installed a new sliding door between the client’s dining room and the porch for easy access and replaced a garden window that jutted into the space with a regular casement window.

Alexandria, VA house BEFORE porch addition
Porch addition during the project in Alexandria, VA
Setback lines for porch addition in Alexandria, VA

Low Maintenance Materials

The client chose low-maintenance materials: Wolf Serenity decking in “Silver Teak”, a beadboard-look vinyl ceiling, PVC mouldings and PVC wrapped columns. Foster Remodeling Solutions installed a new ceiling fan for warm summer nights, dimmable recessed lights and disguised the exterior electrical outlets in the two back columns for a clean, uncluttered appearance.

Rachel’s Thoughts

“This project was so much fun to plan with the expert help of my draftsman!  One of the things that is hard to express to people who are thinking of using Foster that really shines through on this project, in my opinion, is the level of detail that we go into to ensure that not only the client is happy, but the production and construction teams have no problem interpreting our vision and building it. This is at the core of our process and leads to happy clients and stress-free, beautifully constructed projects”.

The client and their handsome dog love their new outdoor space!

AFTER porch addition in Alexandria VA with dog enjoying his new spot

Are You Ready for a Kitchen Remodel?

Foster Remodeling Solutions, Inc. takes the steps necessary to ensure your kitchen remodel is both functional and beautiful. As a full-service design-build remodeling company, we are not limited to using only your existing kitchen space. We are able to do the structural work to reconfigure your current space without limitations. Our in-house team of expert craftsmen work with our professional designers to maximize the value and functionality of your space, while keeping or adding unique aesthetic features. Get inspiration from our gallery of completed kitchen remodeling projects.

If you would like Rachel’s help with your next project…